HCG March 21 2008
Good Morning! Good Morning! I am so excited! It is spring! Once again it is that time of year, when old ladies, who garden, fancy turns to plants, and dirt, and how to haul them.
Good Morning! Good Morning! I am so excited! It is spring! Once again it is that time of year, when old ladies, who garden, fancy turns to plants, and dirt, and how to haul them.
Well, I have solved my hauling dilemma, Saturday afternoon; I drove to V’Burg and bought a truck! This is the first vehicle,( motorized) I have ever bought by myself….I am so proud! I am a “BIG Girl” now! Well, I did have a bit of help…My new best friend Scott told me how to get on the www and research trucks, to see how much I should pay for what I wanted.
You all, There is nothing you can’t find on the www if you know where to go… you might still get took by a Car salesman by paying to much….but at least now you can know it….. if you want to.
Before my friend Emily moved to Madison, I didn’t need a truck, she had a truck…this time of year she was always in the road on the hunt of plants…my plants and I could always catch a ride with her.
Truck buying wasn’t all of the excitement we had over here Saturday; it was also Cemetery cleanup day and dinner on the grounds. It was a beautiful day for it. The Askews have done a wonderful job taking care of the cemetery…They do it all, from the arranging for the grave openings to seeing that the grass gets cut. And they tend to all the paper work that needs doing too.
Truck buying wasn’t all of the excitement we had over here Saturday; it was also Cemetery cleanup day and dinner on the grounds. It was a beautiful day for it. The Askews have done a wonderful job taking care of the cemetery…They do it all, from the arranging for the grave openings to seeing that the grass gets cut. And they tend to all the paper work that needs doing too.
Knocky and Roma had to attend their grand daughter’s wedding, so we were left to struggle through the day best we could with out them. Roma always organizes the food and tables…she let me be in charge of that this time…I did okay…with help…but I did forget to uncover the food when it was time to eat…but we scrambled around and got it done. Rest assured that No one, at any time, was endanger of starving.
Knocky was there for a while…but soon as he left….. us mice went to playing… Mr. Knocky wasn’t out of sight good when folks began to abandon their work stations and gathered around the food. He didn’t leave anybody in charge…
Ms Roma had given Dave Montgomery the responsibility of passing out some papers at lunch time. So Barbara Pennebaker and I decided Dave was the obvious choice to be our new leader, and we nagged Dave until he reluctantly agreed to take charge. Soon as Dave took charge, we began putting the pressure on him, to let us eat and he did let us eat a few minutes early….but only a few minutes.
I have it on good authority that the bridge over the railroad tracks, here in Edwards, is truly going to open again. Maybe in two week and there is going to some kind of ceremony, to celebrate said opening.
Hey I gotta go…drive my new truck to Bolton to see Doug Beard about a new string trimmer….A New Truck and a New string trimmer…. how lucky can an old gardener get?
Happy Easter
Call if you need me
Happy Easter
Call if you need me