HInds County Gazette
Christiansen's Comments
June 26 2008
It is nice to be back…Actually I haven’t been anywhere…..but I have been quite busy ….stretched out. Don’t ask me doing what?”, because, I would not be able to tell you, not without getting up from this computer and taking a look at my journal.
For one thing, Grandson Garrett graduated from high school, he graduated from Madison Central…with 400 hundred other kids! The graduation ceremonies were held in Jackson! At the coliseum! My brain went to calculating what a mob of folks that event would be generating….parents, grand parents, siblings and friends…the parking would be a nightmare…It would take forever before it was his turn to be handed a diploma… …. he would be getting his toward the very end…..his last name is Rigby!
I said all of that to say…. I didn’t go to his graduation…I bought him off…I told him I would come or I would give him money….he took the money. Grandson Philip graduates next year…I shall be giving him the same option. You are appalled aren’t you?
I didn’t go to his graduation but we have been spending some time together, mostly eating out…Soon Garrett will be headed up north to Ole Miss.
I have been making more cement leaves to take to the Clinton farmers market in August or September.
Oh! Oh!! I got a new saw!!! So I have been in the shop playing with it…..I love my new saw! I may have some birdhouses to take to the market too….we will see.
And I have been picking my garden….so far it has been three jalapeno peppers.
Mike and Trey Latham came by the other day and gave me some tomatoes…I ran in the house….sliced one up and was eating a tomato sandwich, before they got out of the drive way good…..I stood over the sink and ate three tomato sandwiches before getting back to work……I was sooooooooooooo glad I had a loaf of very fresh white bread. That healthy, whole grain, full of fiber bread, does not make the cut when it comes to a tomato sandwich….Do you think?
At the risk of my being culinary controversial, once again, (I am still reeling from the ambrosia fiasco), I shall tell you how I assemble my tomato sandwiches…the ones I stand over the sink to eat….Bread, tomatoes and salt….No mayo. But the dainty tomato sandwiches, I make for charming southern ladies, I, of course use the Vicksburg Tomato Sandwich recipe from the Junior Auxiliary of Vicksburg’s cookbook, Ambrosia……one exception, here comes the controversial part I fear, I begin the sandwich by buttering the bread.
Call if you need me.
Isn’t that something about the store bought tomatoes? having salmonella? You all, I am far more concerned about the harm we have inflicted on our water and food supply then I am about global warming.