HCG April 5 2012
I do not know what the out come of us is going to be, if we do not soon get a break in this beautiful spring weather …. Most everyday has been sunny and warm with light breezes, ideal for outdoor chores…. My entire lawn has been mowed and trimmed at least twice; parts of the yard have been mowed 3 times. Many years in years past, come tax day I still had not gotten the yard mowed in its entirety for the first time. And it is still 2 weeks to tax day, I may set a record for number of times mowing in one season. Don’t get me wrong, I love working in the yard…But I am about worked right down to the ground.
My House
Photo by Noah Blakey |
In fact, Saturday when I went over to the work day at the Raymond battlefield, I did not hit a lick I was so wore down. I watched lots of folks work; in fact there was quite a large group of us standing around visiting and watching Jeanie Chunn fluff up the flower bed.
Jeanie on her knees in the flower bed
pulling weeds |
If you haven’t been over to the Raymond Battlefield Park lately, you need to go…. The Friends of Raymond have been working very hard getting it spiffed up for the reenactment this fall. Clearing brush and cutting trees opening views from walking trail to the cannon line. Bill Schmegal has had taken a big part in organizing that effort. And Sheriff’s department has certainly been a great help, by sending crews to help clear brush and trees.
The Raymond Garden Club was out in full force Saturday too…they were working all over town. First I saw Georgia Cox with a group at the island there at the 3 way stop at 467 and Raymond Bolton Road, then I spotted teams at the Court House, and the Post Office.
So Raymond was looking sharp Sunday for Dr. Blakey 90th birthday party. And what a fabulous party it was too. The weather was perfect; the setting was perfect, their beautiful home, porch and lawn. It felt like the clock had been turned back 60 years. The lovely event could not be recreated, not even by Hollywood…May be they could but it would cost millions.
Doctor Durward Blakey
90th Birthday Party |
The Blakey’s front porch is grand! The swing is wonderful, it is wicker and has springs in the chains, so not only can you sway to and fro, you can bounce up and down, there was always a line waiting for turn in the swing. I arrived at the Blakey home at 3, was going to stay a few minutes…but I did not leave until nearly six…Much of that time was spent in the swing; I was a “swing Hog”, But the view is so pleasant from the swing. I was able to watch the comings and goings on the street, see what was happening at St. Marks and the court house from the Blakeys front porch..
Guest in wicker swing |
I heard The Gaddis McLaurin is selling or fixing to sell chickens… So I will be leaving you now….I want to go see how that is going… I can envision some issues between the chicks and Jack the Hardware Cat.
Love to all