Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christiansen's Comments from Hinds County Gazette Published January 12 2012

Good Morning and Happy new year!

This morning as I write from my home, here at the South end of Main Street, downtown Edwards, Mississippi, it is foggy and a light drizzle is steady coming down. For several days, here in Mid Mississippi, it has been incredibly mild. This morning while I ate my breakfast at the kitchen table, the back door was wide open….the sounds of a steady drizzle and birds noisily waking up, came through the open door to my ears delight.

The weather of late has been spring like, highs in the 60s approaching 70….I take that back, it is not Spring like…the recent days have been much prettier then spring.

Winter is not my favorite; the days are short, often depressing, grey, dreary and cold. But I come to appreciate, the clear, sun filled days of winter, the sun’s light is coming from a low southern angle, which makes the shadows long and spectacular…the strong winter sun light makes the woods sparkle…the world sparkles. The clear, sunny days of winter, to me are the prettiest days of the entire year…they are magnificent. Winter’s sunlight is exquisite; it is so intense….rather piercing at times, I feel like it could be going straight through me.

The answer to “why aren’t you writing?” first of all, I have come to realize in my old age, that I can not do as much in a day as I once could.....during the holidays there are so many things to do…there is cooking, the decorating and lots and lots of fun events and parties!

Second, my stride was broke by a minor medical predicament. The medical thing was minor for sure…but the treatment was major in my book….It required stitches was quite painful……so I lost several days to recouping…bed bound…not because the doctor ordered me to be in bed…but bed is the safest place for old people on medication…we do not need to be up wobbling around…risking turning a minor medical event, into a major medical catastrophe.

I was quite whiny during my recovery…..then Charles Davis reminded me what the definition of minor surgery is, “Surgery that is happening to someone else.” Charles made me feel much less guilty about my whining.

Love to all, see you next week

Call if you need me

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