Saturday morning, I went to front porch with my second cup of coffee …it was a spectacular morning, the sun was still low in the sky, it was not even bright enough yet to cast shadows. (I get up very early) The air was sweet with the honeysuckle, right now the woods are full of it. Above and beyond , and mixed with the honeysuckle there was another pleasing scent, it was a familiar, but I could not for the life of me figure out from where that wonderful smell was coming. I had nothing in my yard blooming except roses and it was not a rose scent….and it was strong.
Way on after while, it came to me what it was that was perfuming the air…. I fuss, fume and fret about it …I chop, pull and spray it….You all, its the privet hedge that also grows in the woods at the edge of my lawn! It is in full flower right now… And I knew it had a magnificent scent in the spring….but in the summertime I get so mad at it, I forget how lovely it is in the early spring.\
I went to contemplating, “Is there a life lesson to be learned from privet hedge?” “Is God trying to tell me something?” “Could it be, even the most obnoxious (folks, plants, animals, insects) may have sweet qualities, we might would notice,….. if we did not get and stay so angry, that we repeatedly over look the good?” I now have something to ponder over this week…while I do dishes, mow etc.
Later in the morning, I drove the five miles down old 80, out to the Shadows, the home of Peggy McKey, to attend a bridal shower for Marianna Harpole. Along side the road the purple fetch was blooming, the queen’s lace and the clover….. perfection!
The lane going in to Peggy’s is flanked by live oaks, for a moment you are in a tunnel of green…perfection! Then you are in front of the beautiful home, brick with white column that rise to support a second floor porch Lovely! A story book setting.….
At the front door was Marianna, she was just lovely, she was wearing a spectacular sundress, all white and she was wearing high heeled shoes, the color of ripe persimmons….Perfection!!!!.
Ordinarily Marianna is extraordinary shy and very quiet, but for this occasion she was able to overcome her shyness, and was at the door smiling and greeting the arriving guests….Marianna is a honey…she is beautiful ….She is appreciative, she is respectful , and she is gracious… the mark of a carefully raised young lady born to the South.
Love to all, call if you need me