The round shrub at the bottom of the hill
is the contorted mulberry mentioned.

New leaves on the mulberry stick..it Must be
growing roots.

A leaf cutting... it too is getting it's roots.

I think this is rooting from a hydrangea..But
it could be a mulberry too..they are similar
in appearance.
August 23 2007 HCG
Again, this morning, I do not know why I sat down here because; I have nothing to write about. I am not doing anything and what’s more I do not know anybody who is doing anything…or wants to do anything. It is so hot….
Oh!!! Oh!! Oh!! Something exciting has happen!!! ….I have a contorted mulberry at the bottom of the hill…it has been there 15 years or more, beautiful healthy tree, he is at least 12 foot tall and as wide… Everybody who sees it wants one. So Over the years, every now again I would attempt to root it… I have had no luck….I tried every method…the brick technique…. like you do azaleas….the branch covered with a plastic bag, full of damp moss… I even tried plain water in a fruit jar.
Several years back, I called in to one of the radio shows, about gardening, for guidance …The host said he had never been able to get a contorted mulberry to root…..That was a bit discouraging, But I did not give up.
And this year my perseverance has finally paid off….I have two cuttings that have taken root…. a leaf cutting has rooted; it was one of about ten.
But this is the fun one….This spring I cut branches from the contorted mulberry to use as stakes….I thought the twisted branches would be more attractive in the pots with the tomatoes then wire cages. The zinnias too had a more pleasing appearance being propped up with the contorted branches of the mulberry, then would have with rebar and kite string. You all, one of mulberry branches I used to prop up the purple zinnias has rooted!!!!
What about these fleas? Do hot temperatures and drought equal fleas? I have been battling fleas since early spring…and I am not gaining on them. Oh, I can get rid of them for a time with the expensive flea potions, but they come back….
I am fixing to go out and make a few cement leaves before it gets to hot.
Call if you need me