Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday July 9

Today was rather uneventful....In fact I never even cranked my car up.
It rained this afternoon, just enough that I could not finish mowing the lawn. I did finish the back yard. The Building in the back ground is my shop and home to my cats....I have three, Scout, Harper Lee, and Boo.

Saturday evening the members of the Baptist Church celebrated their pastor, doctor John McCall birthday,#90 with a party. The theme was Andy Griffith and Mayberry. I wish I had a picture...I heard Jo Gayle Reeves was dressed up like Aunt Bee she wore a genuine pill box hat. It was a catered affair, they had roast beef and all of the fix'ns for dessert they enjoyed a true southern favorite banana pudding.

Robert Cannada will be buried tomorrow....those of you who are from the area of course know of him....
Robert C. Cannada, Sr. died on July 5, 2007, after an illness of 5 months. He was an elder for 50 years at First Presbyterian Church. A founder and former Board chairman for 25 years of Reformed Theological Seminary. A founder and former Managing Partner for 25 years at the law firm of Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens, and Cannada. Mr. Cannada was an officer in the Navy and veteran of World War II and of the Korean War.

He was also a board member of a number of other legal, business, civic and Christian organizations. He was a faithful and godly leader in the home, in the church, and in the community. He was preceded in death by his lifelong love and wife, Inez Chisolm Cannada, and by one son, Paul Davis Cannada. He is survived by two sons, Robert C. (Ric) Cannada, Jr. (and wife, Rachel) and R. Barry Cannada (and wife, Angelyn), and by five grandchildren, Christy Cannada Burrow (and husband, Beau), Cecilia Cannada Rutledge (and husband, Bryan), Kathryn Cannada Nicholas (and husband Taylor), Caroline Chisolm Cannada, and Robert Davis Cannada, and by 5 great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorials are encouraged to be made to the Founders Fund at Reformed Theological Seminary (5422 Clinton Blvd, Jackson, MS 39211) or to the Twin Lakes Retreat Center at First Presbyterian Church (1390 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39202).
The funeral service will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson on Tuesday, July 10, at 11:00 am, followed by internment at Lakewood Memorial Park on Clinton Blvd. Visitation will be held at First Presbyterian Church on Monday, July 9, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and on Tuesday, July 10, from 9:00 to 10:30 am.
Thanks for spending a bit of time with us in rural Hinds County Mississippi.

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